Nuclear Waste Services > Areas of Focus: webinar

Areas of Focus: webinar

Date: 17/02/2025

Time: 12pm to 1.30pm

Venue: Online webinar

NWS identifies Areas of Focus – find out more at our events and webinars

As the next step in the process of finding a suitable site for a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF), we’ve identified smaller locations in Search Areas we want to investigate further called ‘Areas of Focus’.

A GDF is a facility designed to safely and securely dispose of the most hazardous radioactive waste in highly engineered vaults and tunnels deep underground. We are currently in discussions with two communities in Cumbria and one in Lincolnshire.

We’re holding a number of drop-in events in your area to update you on our progress. Come along or join one of our online webinars to hear more about this update.

Areas of Focus in Mid and South Copeland

In the search for a suitable site for a GDF, three key elements are needed with the right sub-surface geological environment deep underground, a suitable surface location, and the ability to connect the two areas with accessways.   

Two Surface Areas of Focus (AoF) have been identified in Mid Copeland – Land East of Sellafield and Land East of Seascale. In South Copeland, there is one Surface AoF – Land West of Haverigg.

The Sub-surface AoF off the coast is the same for Mid Copeland and South Copeland.