We lead the way in developing and offering alternative waste management routes for radioactive waste. For the remaining waste, our ambition is to provide the full range of waste disposal capabilities, enabling permanent disposal of waste in the right disposal solution at the right time for the best value to the taxpayer.
Low Level Waste Repository
We have more than 70 years of experience managing radioactive waste, with an outstanding track record in terms of safety and security.
The Repository site receives low level solid waste from a range of customers, such as the nuclear industry, the Ministry of Defence, non-nuclear industries, educational, medical and research establishments.
Waste is only disposed of directly at the Repository site if it cannot be diverted for alternative treatment and disposal.
In 2023 to 2024, just 2 per cent of waste that we assessed and managed was classified for disposal at the Repository. The rest has been successfully diverted (for example, re-used or recycled) through our range of waste services.

Geological disposal
We’re delivering a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) as the safe, secure, and long-term solution for the most hazardous radioactive waste.
It is one of the largest environmental protection programmes in the UK and ensures we remove the burden from future generations of having to keep the waste safe and secure in surface storage facilities for many thousands of years.
GDFs are internationally recognised by governments, technical experts, and scientists as the best solution for the disposal of our most hazardous radioactive waste and we’re seeing progress around the world.
A GDF will only be built in the UK where there is a suitable site with a willing community.