10 by 2030 Roadmap
Our ten strategic milestones to achieve by 2030
Our success in delivering our strategic approach will be measured against the ‘10 by 2030’. This will be done in parallel with our nationally important mission, to operate our current national Repository and waste services in a safe, secure manner with environmentally compliant responsible stewardship.
We will use our operating plan, annual targets, and performance measures to demonstrate and evidence our strategy implementation. Our targets will evolve as our strategy implementation matures and will be set out in future iterations of our strategic approach and operating plans.
Our 10 by 2030 Roadmap
Waste Assumptions: Agree common set of group wide waste assumptions
Asbestos solutions: Establish an innovation partnership for asbestos
Efficiency: Optimised our business delivering efficiency commitments
Characterisation: Established a standard group wide service
Repository development: Capping started on the repository
Container Standardising: Introduce standard container catalogue
Site Characterisation Decision: Decision to Government on communities to progress to deep borehole investigation and increased community investment
Thermal Treatment: Thermal treatment is a proven technology for the group
Deep Borehole Investigation: Start site characterisation deep borehole investigations
Repository Optimisation: Optimise the use of disposal capacity at the LLWR site