Our vision is to make nuclear waste permanently safe, sooner
Welcome to Nuclear Waste Services: managing the UK’s radioactive waste safely and securely, today and for future generations
What we do
Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) was created with the vision and purpose to make nuclear waste permanently safe, sooner. Our mission is to become the ‘one-stop shop’ for all radioactive waste management and disposal solutions for the UK.
Planning and preparation
Knowing and understanding what waste we have and where it is.
Treatment and packaging
Minimising waste volume and maximising its safe management.
Moving forward with safe and permanent solutions for disposal.

Geological disposal
Find out about our mission to safely and permanently dispose of the most radioactive waste and how we’re working with local communities to transform the prospects of a region for generations.
Latest news
NWS appoints Seth Kybird as Interim CEO
NWS praised for sustainability efforts in UK nuclear sector awards
Award-winning leadership development programme gives young people insight into range of nuclear careers
University of Lincoln leads Westminster Skills and Employment Summit on GDF local opportunities
First rail deliveries mark milestone in final disposal of legacy radioactive waste

Creating employment opportunities
We have a passion for the nuclear waste industry to be accessible to everyone.
Join us and be part of a team that brings together many specialisms including science, engineering, safety, operations, commercial, community engagement, regulatory, and others.
We also have education ambassadors at the grassroots in primary schools, secondary schools, and universities, talking about diverse and fulfilling careers in the industry.
Making a Difference
We have given around £7.2m in community funding, making a real and positive difference across our Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) and Repository programmes
We have a one hundred per cent safety record, with zero major safety incidents at our sites
70 years
We have over 70 years of experience of safely and securely managing radioactive waste